Faculty/Staff — Search Results

Patient Care Phone
Mail Code
Brookolo, Marnie S. Director (858) 822-0074 mbrookolo@ucsd.edu WOMEN'S CENTER 0096 1.0
Chapin-Geipel, Jessica Program Coord (858) 822-0074 jlchapin@ucsd.edu WOMEN'S CENTER 0096 1.0
Hasheem, Sarah F. Student Asst s1hasheem@ucsd.edu WOMEN'S CENTER 0045 1.0
Davila, Marcela (Marcy) Program Asst dmarcela@ucsd.edu WOMEN'S CENTER 0096 1.0
Renteria, Melinda A. Student Asst m1renteria@ucsd.edu WOMEN'S CENTER 0096 1.0
Aksamit, Hannah R. Asst Dir/Education haksamit@ucsd.edu WOMEN'S CENTER 0096 1.0
Berdeja, Kariely Student Asst k1berdeja@ucsd.edu WOMEN'S CENTER 0096 1.0
Zhang, Daisy Student Asst daz012@ucsd.edu WOMEN'S CENTER 0096 1.0
Mccolgan, Court Student Asst comccolgan@ucsd.edu WOMEN'S CENTER 0096 1.0

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